路由# 321076470


Investing made simple: let 无袖长衫顾问1 choose your investments and build a customized portfolio.

Let our 无袖长衫顾问 help you on your 财务健康之旅

Powered by Schwab’s Institutional Intelligent Portfolios Platform®1, 我们的无袖长衫顾问程序免去了投资的猜测,因为它会自动为您投资. 通过选择 51 low-cost exchange-traded funds (ETFs) selected by professionals, 无袖长衫顾问将根据您的需求自动建立一个多样化的投资组合,并帮助您保持财务健康. Whether you’re just starting out, 需要为退休做准备, or saving for a child’s 教育, it’s never too late to start investing towards your future.

Our 机器人顾问程序 offers these convenient features2:

  • 快速和容易的帐户设置
  • 用5000美元进行投资
  • Easily transfer and rollover your 爱尔兰共和军 and 401(k)
  • 自动创建一个定制的投资组合,以配合您的投资目标
  • Competitive, low-cost management fees
  • 查看平衡 Patelco在线
  • 提供技术支持
  • Takes the guesswork and intimidation factor out of investing

我们支持你 一路走来的每一步

Patelco supports you through every stage of your financial journey, and we’ve made it easier than ever to get started with investing. As a Patelco member, when you sign up for our 机器人顾问程序2, we deliver some amazing perks to you:


无袖长衫顾问集成了 Patelco在线, 给你一个单一的仪表板来查看余额,并查看所有账户的信息和活动!


Adding to your investment is a breeze! 登录嘉信理财将资金从您的Patelco储蓄或支票账户直接转入您的无袖长衫顾问账户.


Patelco致力于为我们的会员提供世界级的投资体验. Not sure if 无袖长衫顾问 is right for you? 有投资方面的问题? 需要一个免费的投资咨询与我们的CFS财务顾问之一3? We’ve made it easy to get in touch with our team:


我们的机器人顾问计划利用嘉信理财的机构智能投资组合®,根据您独特的财务目标建立投资组合. Patelco和嘉信理财共同承诺帮助您在财务健康之旅中茁壮成长. Once your 无袖长衫顾问 account is established, your monthly statements and account servicing will be provided by Schwab. 如果您有与无袖长衫顾问账户服务相关的问题,请联系嘉信理财 877.805.3399 或电邮至 digitalsupport@cusonet.com.


It’s easy to get started with Patelco’s 机器人顾问程序:

  • 完成一份简短的问卷来确定你的目标、风险承受能力和时间表
  • 无袖长衫顾问将从专业挑选的交易所交易基金(etf)的多元化投资组合中为您进行投资。
  • Set up your ACH payment information with Schwab. Your 无袖长衫顾问 account will fund 2-3 business days

如果你在找一个聪明的, efficient way to set up and manage a portfolio – for retirement, 教育, 一所房子, 或者更多—— Patelco’s 机器人顾问程序 is here to help you get there.


The path to retirement requires careful navigation and planning. 你准备好了吗?? Take ownership of your future now to make your golden years shine!

    所有的道路都通向退休,为这一重要的生活事件存钱,从你开始工作的时候就开始了. 有了国税局的税收优惠,我们可以为自己的退休储蓄,这很容易. 也更便宜, 如果你投资一些可靠的股票基金,让全球经济增长在你的一生中积累你的资产. 随着人们临近退休,他们几乎本能地希望转向安全和保守的投资. 我明白了, but I always have to remind clients that at age 65, you could be 20 or 30 years away from your long-term goals.
    对货币市场储蓄和定期存单的投资从未跟上通胀和税收的步伐. 事实上, 每20年一次, 我们的钱的价值只有他们的一半,或者说购买力只有他们的一半. 幸运的是,有一些产品可以提供本金保护,并从市场指数中获得潜在增长.
    A good financial advisor can help you invest, 积累, 巩固并最终计划分配你的退休资产给你.


    A robo advisor uses algorithms to choose your investments for you, 然后密切监视, 调整, and rebalances your investments automatically. Since robo advisors use fewer humans than brokerage firms, 他们的收费通常较低, require a smaller minimum initial investment, and they choose from a more limited selection of investment options.
    A financial advisor consults with you about your goals, creates a customized investment plan, then actively manages your investments for you. 与机器人顾问相比,财务顾问可以获得更多的投资选择, and they often offer guidance around estate planning, 税5,以及保险. 与财务顾问合作通常需要储备和更高的最低投资额

    The minimum investment for our 机器人顾问程序 is $5,000.

    对于想要以较低费用获得投资指导的人来说,机器人顾问是理想的选择. 机器人顾问可以让你的钱工作,而不需要你的手在方向盘上. 机器人顾问可以让你不必筛选在线投资建议,并最终通过为你管理投资来节省你的时间. 对于那些没有时间或专业知识来管理自己财务的人来说,机器人顾问可能也有好处, yet wants to build wealth for the future.

    我们的无袖长衫顾问利用嘉信理财机构智能投资组合®,并通过我们的经纪人/交易商提供, CUSO金融服务, L.P. Patelco选择与嘉信理财合作,帮助向我们的会员提供这项服务,因为嘉信理财是美国最大、最受尊敬的折扣经纪商之一. 如果您有关于无袖长衫顾问账户的服务问题,请致电877联系嘉信理财.805.3399或发邮件至嘉信理财支持 digitalsupport@cusonet.com.

    If you have questions about how 无袖长衫顾问 works, or you’re curious if 无袖长衫顾问 is the right investment choice for you:

    有关服务和无袖长衫顾问账户问题,请致电877与嘉信理财联系.805.3399或发邮件至嘉信理财支持 digitalsupport@cusonet.com.

    Transferring money into your 无袖长衫顾问 account is easy. Simply login to your 无袖长衫顾问 account at Schwab, 然后安排资金从你的Patelco储蓄或支票账户直接转移到你的无袖长衫顾问账户.

    一般, brokerage accounts allow you to select your own stocks and securities, and there’s a chance your portfolio may become imbalanced, which can expose you to larger losses.
    机器人顾问会通过etf和指数基金使你的投资组合多样化, so that in case you do have a loss, 这并不重要. 由于再平衡和税收损失收获,你也会放弃那些不重要的投资我做得很好.

    Your monthly statements will be sent directly from Schwab.

1 这些材料由Patelco Financial Solutions独立制作, 透过中心提供, 它独立于, 与…没有任何关系, 嘉信理财绩效技术® (“SPT”),嘉信理财 & Co.公司. ("CS&Co"), or any of their affiliates (together, "Schwab"). 嘉信理财没有创造, 提供, 许可, 支持, or otherwise sanctioned these materials, nor has Schwab independently verified any of the information in them. Institutional Intelligent Portfolios® 是一项针对独立投资顾问的自动化投资管理服务,仅通过Patelco Financial Solutions等独立投资咨询公司提供, 不是施瓦布, is responsible for advising you on its program, 包括推荐和选择适合您的投资组合,并酌情管理您的投资组合. Your portfolio will be held in a brokerage account at CS&Co. "Institutional Intelligent Portfolios" is a trademark of Charles Schwab & Co.公司.

2 To get started or learn more, visit our 机器人顾问程序. Your portfolio will be held in a brokerage account at Charles Schwab & Co.公司.

3 非存款投资产品和服务是通过CUSO Financial services, L.P. (“CFS”),注册经纪交易商(FINRA/SIPC成员)和注册投资顾问. 通过CFS提供的产品不是NCUA/NCUSIF或其他联邦保险, are not guarantees or obligations of the credit union, and may involve investment risk including possible loss of principal. Investment Representatives are registered through CFS. 信用合作社与金融服务中心签订合约,为信用合作社成员提供非存款投资产品和服务.

4 CUSO金融服务, 位于Patelco Financial Solutions的LP提供我们的机器人顾问计划,作为通过嘉信理财绩效技术进行投资的一种创新方式®. 我们的机器人顾问计划提供多样化的投资组合套件,使用自动化管理投资服务,帮助您在需要时自动重新平衡投资.

5 CFS does not provide tax or legal advice. For such guidance, please consult a tax and/or legal advisor.

